Tuesday 4 June 2013

The birth plan – The plan to deliver my thesis draft in 6 months

Can I write a thesis draft in six months? I think I can but I also thought I could give birth to children without drugs or complications (Ha!).

All my children have been born around Christmas (poor things), why break with tradition?

If I have learned anything from family making, the important thing is to have a plan. Do everything in your power to keep to a plan but don’t be disappointed when life gets in the way. What was it that John Lennon said?

So here is my plan on a short and long-term basis:

I have two days where both children are in kindy. These are my writing days.

I have one day where the baby is home. This is my reading day.

I have the weekend where my husband can watch the children. This is when I will blog and edit and do all those “little” jobs.

One meeting per fortnight with my principle supervisor to chat, bounce things around and basically keep myself on track (my brain has a tenancy to tangent. Note to self: keep a tangent diary)

6 weekly
Submit a raw chapter draft to be reviewed by both my supervisors. Have a review meeting 10 days later.

I am planning 6 chapters.

My weekly schedule (different from a plan)
Using tips published by Dr Wendy Carter in her blog (http://www.phdcompletion.com/phd-completion-why-create-a-writing-schedule/), I am scheduling my time with my family, my chores and my PhD. Now where is that massive calendar?

Can I bring this thing kicking and screaming into the world? I don’t really care if you don't think I can. I’m damn well gonna try!